Guest Blogger Jassy // On Yoga and Healthy Living

I spent a year living in the gorgeous Napa Valley working at a prestigious art gallery. While there, I met Jassy, when she was our intern for a short time. After graduating college, Jassy took a few wonderful jobs along Main Street, which is a mecca for art and beautiful buildings- and beautiful people! She is now a graphic designer for a wonderful company called Wine, Women and Shoes.
On Yoga: I’ve never been a fan of going to the gym; I’ve only ever enjoyed the benefits of running and indoor rock climbing. But I finally attended a yoga class near my house (inspired by my old housemate) and the next thing I knew, I was going regularly and I fell in love with it. I then made yoga my go-to exercise regimen. I love photography and recently I did a photo shoot of a good friend of mine who is now a certified Yoga Instructor. During the shoot she bought along this book that would inspire me to take some great shots. I started looking through the book, "Art of Attention," created by Elena Brower & Erica Jago, and was inspired to the point of finally purchasing my own copy doing yoga at home.
On the Benefits: For me the benefits of yoga, whether it be at home or in a class, have made me a more positive person. I’m happier, I feel great and I am confident about my body. I’m becoming toned and fit and my mind is in a better place. I’ve learned that yoga isn’t about being the most flexible person in class or if you can do a head stand the longest. It’s about your own personal practice and how it makes you feel. Take the time to buy a yoga mat— believe it or not, I got mine at Whole Foods. Watch Youtube tutorials an subscribe to some blogs because there are plenty out there to inspire you and to keep you motivated. 
Art of Attention:
On My Healthy Lifestyle Changes: On March 27, 2013, I instantly made a decision to start wearing my hair in it’s natural state. I don’t know what got into me but I just was so tired of washing my hair and instead of parting it in sections, blow drying it at the highest heat setting then straightening it with a flat iron. I just decided to leave it alone. I got sick and tired of damaging it and standing in the mirror for hours (yes, hours). I was nervous and self conscious about the whole ordeal. But then I went to a fundraising event and the compliments came flooding in. I was nervous and very much outside my comfort zone, but my friends kept telling me how they loved my fro and how fitting it was with my personality. Plus some of them even said they preferred it over my straight hair. If only I had known this years ago, I wouldn’t have wasted so much time damaging my hair. But the past is the past, and ever since I started wearing my hair in it’s natural state, I also started using all natural hair and body products with no chemicals that are harmful for the hair and skin. This led to paying closer attention to my diet. I’m addicted to tea and eating more fruits and veggies.  
On the Benefits: Every since then, I’ve noticed such a positive difference with the natural products I started using. My skin is clearer from the natural face washes and moisturizers. My hair is conditioned properly and I no longer have issues with it being overly dry. My psoriasis is gone too! It diminished and I’m no longer embarrassed to scratch my hair in public, or part my hair in front of others. 

My Favorite Natural Beauty Products:
• Belle Butters (natural shea butters and oils)
• Apple Cider Vinegar and Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay Mask
• Desert Essence Face Wash
• African Black Soap (can use this for whole body and hair)
Keep up with Jassy here:

1 comment:

  1. You may want a toned body or maybe develop flexibility. You may be looking at relieving a chronic disorder or just having fun with a group of like minded people. Whatever your expectations, it is important that your instructor understands it and matches your expectations with the right class and grouping.

    dahn yoga classes
