oh hey.

I often find myself stumped and unable to easily describe who I am on here, but it's hard to find just a few words to sum up a lifetime. It may not be the longest of lifetimes, but it sure has been a great one so far, so I shall give it my best shot.

  • It's the little things that make me crazy, like the fact that these paragraphs aren't justified.
  • My favorite things are as ever-changing as the weather.
  • I love many things and I dislike many things, but never slightly and always with far too much passion. My old boss once told me she has never met someone who genuinely and authentically loves so many things. I didn't tell her all the things I also hate.
  • I am more affected by a celebrity pregnancy/engagement/divorce than I am by that of someone I kind-of-know-in-real-life. It's a sick, sick thing that I am far from sorry about.
  • I love ironic hashtags. I also judge you by your endless hashtags #sorryboutit
  • I can only watch movies in the theatre, and I cannot watch sports on the tv to save the life of me. I have self-diagnosed ADD #squirrel
  • I married the first man I ever loved. He also happens to be the exact guy I grew up drawing as my "future husband."
  • I have a private twitter I only use for my most evil thoughts.
  • I am a cocktail girl. Nothing screams "Friday Night!" quite like a vodka cran.
  • I also firmly believe that with good wine comes good friends and a good life. I also believe the same is true for cheap wine. Because wine.
  • I love girlfriends! The saying goes "quality over quantity" but if you can have a large quantity of quality girlfriends, nothing is better.
  • Enjoy Essential started with me ironing stuff on onesies. Now, 5,000 sales and 27k followers later, it is my full-time job.
  • The Greek Years, our sorority apparel company, started over wine.
  • My greatest internal struggles are that of my love for neutrals and neons, and my love/hatred for Chris Brown. So sexy. So stupid.
  • My biggest dream was to be able to work from home in some way, but doing something I love. I am now doing both. 

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