Where in the World Have I Been?

Great question. Horrible answer. I've been here all along. Literally with my phone in my hand working nonstop on my shop, with little contact with the outside world. You'd think that because I'm always on the phone and computer, I would be caught up on social media and texting and blogging but the truth is, I spend upwards of 14 hours a day answering customer emails and filling orders and have little time for anything else. And I'm not good at turning my brain off! It's been a crazy ride, but I'm happy to announce I am officially doing this full time! This little piece of glorious equipment has saved my life!

I left my job in marketing and sales when my shop became so successful that it was paying all the bills- and more. But when I resigned, they offered me a new, remote position as Social Media Coordinator! A whole position created just for me! Could anything be more perfect? I can't wait to really delve in and watch their numbers and internet referrals grow. But balance is something I must practice to keep it all together, because right now I am a hot ass mess. 

Right now I am working on creating an Instagram content calendar for the shop. I am trying to buckle down and follow in the footsteps of Freshly Picked and Little Hipsqueaks, two brands I greatly admire and aspire to be like. They are both run by successful, independent women who love what they do and started out just like me! Proof that dreams really can come true.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor on the footer of our store, here are our stats:

Instagram followers: 7200 as of 3/19/14, up 3,000 from 1/19/14
Facebook fans: 800
Bloglovin followers: 210
Twitter followers: 250
Site views: 750/day average

Please email me at enjoyessential@gmail.com
If you are interested in advertising with us. I am offering very low introductory pricing this month with the launch of the new site!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Hard work does pay off and that's awesome that they created a position just for you!
