What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I really enjoy being able to share my favorite things with the world. I am forever trying new products and DIY projects, most of those ideas I collect from others' blogs and instagrams. It's my way of giving back! Also, I have made so many fun new friends via blogging, and it has been such a pleasure getting to see how everyone works and runs their own blogs.
What are 3 things we might like to know about you?
- I can't wear my hair down at home. The second I walk in the door, it's twisted into tiny bun on top of my head. It's not cute, but I get really crazy when my hair gets in my face. Even when I am out and about with my hair down, I have to have the front pulled back. Always.
- I have super OCD tendencies when it comes to other people's messes, and I can tell you if a painting is hung even one degree higher on one side, but I am messy as hell. Like ridiculously messy. It's bad. I'm working on it. Kind of.
- I also have a major tv addiction. I hate when people say "tv is a waste of your life" because I completely disagree! I manage to have dinner on the table each night, work full time, blog, fill all my orders and still have time for HOURS upon HOURS of tv every day. Nothing gets between me and my Real Housewives.
Dude... I love food. Obsessed. It's unhealthy and I don't even care. If I had to choose my last meal, it would be chips and salsa (but I am very specific on what kind), shrimp fettucine, a coke slurpee, and the biggest juiciest medium rare steak ever.
What is your favorite blog post you've ever done?
My favorite was the inspiration behind my bathroom remodel, which I posted on my old/personal blog a few months ago. I will have to bring it back here! For $700 I completely redid the bathroom cabinets and floor with beautiful charcoal rectangular tile. Ok, I'm totally bringing it back.
What is your favorite quote and why?
"Not all those who wander are lost." -JRR Tolkien
I have spent my life wandering, and have never felt lost. I have always felt that everything I have encountered in my crazy life has slowly lead me to where I am today and where I am meant to go. While it has not been without it's roadblocks, my life is such a happy life to live.
How did you pick your blog's name?
It's essentially the name of my Etsy shop, and now that I own and operate enjoyessential.com, I wish I could change it! But I have worked hard to make the shop as successful as it is, and it is still the name of my brand, so it shall remain the same.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Santorini or Bali. Have you ever seen photos? Be still my heart! We fell in love with Costa Rica, and even researched the cost of living on our honeymoon, but the food there was not cutting it. Realistically speaking, I choose NYC.
What is your favorite book and why?
While I am always and forever a Gryffindor, my favorite book of all time is "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli. It changed my life when I first got my hands on it in middle school and I will never forget it. Here is my favorite quote: “She was elusive. She was today. She was tomorrow. She was the faintest scent of a cactus flower, the flitting shadow of an elf owl. We did not know what to make of her. In our minds we tried to pin her to a cork board like a butterfly, but the pin merely went through and away she flew.”
What is your fave lazy day style?
... or lack thereof?! You do not want to see me on a lazy day. Even my "regular" days seem to take work. But on a lazy day I always try to have my makeup somewhat done so I feel accomplished even slightly.
What is an average day like for you?
Wake up. Late. Feed the crazy dogs. Drive to the office, work a few hours. Lunch is soup and iced tea, always. I'm already ready to eat. Work some more (I'm in marketing). Go home and be attacked by crazy pups. Work in my home office on my shop, blog and site nonstop. Dinner on the table by 7 if it's not too crazy of a day, 8 is more realistic. Watch tv endlessly until we fall asleep.
If you could shadow one blogger for a week, who would it be and why?
Courtney Kerr of What Courtney Wore. Her tv show is my favorite and she is such an inspiration to me. Hey Courtney, if you're reading this, I am coming to Dallas. Let's hang.
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