Project Beach Body // Part 1

Don't let the flattering photos fool you; I have been struggling with my weight for the past six years and it haunts me all the damn time. Even my wedding wasn't enough motivation to drop the weight. But you know what is? The fact that before I have kids, I want to really love my body. I don't want to get pregnant and not be able to bounce back to a body that I love. We decided to wait a year before reevaluating when we want to get pregnant, which means August is the absolute earliest it would happen. Plenty of time right?! Not to mention we are headed to Hawaii in May, and I really want to be able to enjoy myself- in a bikini!

Kind of like this photo of me in 1993. Just as much fun, but maybe lose the floaties.

I follow all these super motivating girls on Instagram- two of which are Beach Body coaches, which basically means they sell Shakeology and workout videos. I am my one to fall for a hoax or pyramid scheme so I did my research before even considering their services. @chelseablush and @gracielove are both very successful coaches with Beach Body and have thousands upon thousands of followers... Probably because not only do they have hot bodies but they're really pretty too! So I had to follow them :)
My coach, @gracielove

I never invested because Shakeology is $130 for a 30 day supply- WTF?! And the T25 and p90x videos are another like $160 on top of that... No thank you. But when Gracie said she was taking on some people for online coaching and offered the deal of the workout videos AND a bag of Shakeology (over $350 vale) for $180, I jumped on it. Why not? I'm always up for a challenge. And I just like spending money.

I chose the Greenberry flavor. It's packed with vitamins and wonderful things.
I've never done these videos before, but I'm looking forward to trying them. Plus, they're only 25 minutes, which is right up my alley.
What great inspiration!

And the workout program I selected was T25 with Shaun T:

Two weeks ago I paid for everything and was sent an invitation to a private Facebook group run by Gracie. For 10 weeks we will be posting in that Facebook group about our progress. We are to do five 25 minute videos a week, I get to choose what days, and I also pledged to have Shakeology one meal a day. I had my first shake today for breakfast by mixing the powder with just ice and water and it was pretty good!! I am looking forward to trying it with fruit and veggies mixed in.

Fingers crossed this program works for me. I am really looking forward to it!

If you're interested, Gracie Beck can be reached on Facebook or Instagram @gracielove:

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