January // Friday Favorites: Red Lips!

I am always a fan of red lips. Whether it's 9am at the office, 3pm at Starbucks or 10pm on a night out at the bars, red lips are always appropriate. Plus, they're a classic! Because I wear lipstick all the time, I get a lot of girls saying they have 1) no idea how to wear lipstick and 2) no idea how to find the right shade. Now, I can't speak for everyone, but I know what I like and I have done my research! Here are a few of my favorites:
MAC Russian Red // reviews here // This one's a classic. Every fashion blogger I know wears this, and it's the closest to Hilary Duff's signature lip color as I could get, if not exact.

MAC Dubonnet // reviews here // I wore this on my wedding day. It's a deeper red, so it's just as bold but not as bright. I feel like it's a very "Old Hollywood-esque" color for everyone!

Be a Bombshell // buy here // I got this one in my monthly Ipsy bag and love it. It's pretty matte, a bold color and goes on just like a crayon. It's literally fool proof!

MAC Lip pencil in Brick // buy here // I can wear this liner with all of my bright red lipsticks. It makes my lips stay looking fresh way longer, prevents the need for lots of touchups, and keeps it from smearing! I recommend this post for tips on applying liner.

MAC RiRi Woo // check ebay auctions here // This is part of Rihanna's special line with MAC that always sells out crazy fast, but that's because the colors are amazing. I'm wearing it in these photos below:

Project Beach Body // Part 1

Don't let the flattering photos fool you; I have been struggling with my weight for the past six years and it haunts me all the damn time. Even my wedding wasn't enough motivation to drop the weight. But you know what is? The fact that before I have kids, I want to really love my body. I don't want to get pregnant and not be able to bounce back to a body that I love. We decided to wait a year before reevaluating when we want to get pregnant, which means August is the absolute earliest it would happen. Plenty of time right?! Not to mention we are headed to Hawaii in May, and I really want to be able to enjoy myself- in a bikini!

Kind of like this photo of me in 1993. Just as much fun, but maybe lose the floaties.

I follow all these super motivating girls on Instagram- two of which are Beach Body coaches, which basically means they sell Shakeology and workout videos. I am my one to fall for a hoax or pyramid scheme so I did my research before even considering their services. @chelseablush and @gracielove are both very successful coaches with Beach Body and have thousands upon thousands of followers... Probably because not only do they have hot bodies but they're really pretty too! So I had to follow them :)
My coach, @gracielove

I never invested because Shakeology is $130 for a 30 day supply- WTF?! And the T25 and p90x videos are another like $160 on top of that... No thank you. But when Gracie said she was taking on some people for online coaching and offered the deal of the workout videos AND a bag of Shakeology (over $350 vale) for $180, I jumped on it. Why not? I'm always up for a challenge. And I just like spending money.

I chose the Greenberry flavor. It's packed with vitamins and wonderful things.
I've never done these videos before, but I'm looking forward to trying them. Plus, they're only 25 minutes, which is right up my alley.
What great inspiration!

And the workout program I selected was T25 with Shaun T:

Two weeks ago I paid for everything and was sent an invitation to a private Facebook group run by Gracie. For 10 weeks we will be posting in that Facebook group about our progress. We are to do five 25 minute videos a week, I get to choose what days, and I also pledged to have Shakeology one meal a day. I had my first shake today for breakfast by mixing the powder with just ice and water and it was pretty good!! I am looking forward to trying it with fruit and veggies mixed in.

Fingers crossed this program works for me. I am really looking forward to it!

If you're interested, Gracie Beck can be reached on Facebook or Instagram @gracielove:

Weekend Style

I am a huge fan of a few of things:
1. Being comfortable
2. Studs 
3. Prints 
4. Embellishments
5. Mixing prints

You might be reading this thinking "Overkill much?!" but the truth is that I've always loved to push the limits when it comes to style. I wear a lot of black, but will throw on a plaid scarf with leopard print flats- the more fun, the better! Confidence is everything!
(ps totally not my mess in the dressing room!)

 Jean jacket // Old Navy // similar
"B" tank // h&m // here
Black paneled leggings // similar
Ikat print flats // JustFab

January // Friday Favorites

It's that time again! Here are a few of the things that made me super happy this week:

Courtney Kerr, blogger over at What Courtney Wore and fashionista. I totally channeled her for a night out in San Francisco last weekend- hair is everything! And we just so happen to have the same favorite style!
Dress is INC from Macy*s, lipstick is Rebel by Mac, hair color by Amber at Studio 13 in Vacaville, CA.

MAC Lipstick in Russian Red. Perfect for daily wear, or at night time if it's a little intense for you.
MAC Russian Red // $15 here or at your local Macy's

LaMer The Powder. While I won't spend $2,000 on the eye cream, I am more than willing to drop the right amount on a really, really good powder. This just arrived this week, and I already love it. It makes my skin feel so clean and refreshed, not like I have a ton of makeup on. If you need a lot of coverage, I don't recommend this. If you don't, then GET THIS NOW!
La Mer "The Powder" // $65 for .88 oz (it's huge! it's just SUPER light!) here

Found a great face wash! And while I was at it, I found toner, night cream, and a masque, all by Elizabeth Arden! Typically very, very pricey but if you hit up TJ Maxx on the right day, they have it all for half the price! I recommend this for those of us with dry AND sensitive skin. I'm not even going to link to their site because you seriously just need TJ Maxx in your life!

Lastly, this awesome print by Paper Love & Co of MAC's Russian Red! It's seriously perfect for my bathroom! You can buy it here! She also offers lots of perfume bottle designs that would look great with it!

Lastly, this print by 

The Liebster Award

I've been nominated for the Liebster Award! Thanks to Daniela from I Put a Bird On It for nominating me, I am so excited! The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers, so I'm happy to be a part of this group. It is also a fun way to get to know new bloggers. 

What is your favorite thing about blogging? 
I really enjoy being able to share my favorite things with the world. I am forever trying new products and DIY projects, most of those ideas I collect from others' blogs and instagrams. It's my way of giving back! Also, I have made so many fun new friends via blogging, and it has been such a pleasure getting to see how everyone works and runs their own blogs.

What are 3 things we might like to know about you? 

  • I can't wear my hair down at home. The second I walk in the door, it's twisted into tiny bun on top of my head. It's not cute, but I get really crazy when my hair gets in my face. Even when I am out and about with my hair down, I have to have the front pulled back. Always.
  • I have super OCD tendencies when it comes to other people's messes, and I can tell you if a painting is hung even one degree higher on one side, but I am messy as hell. Like ridiculously messy. It's bad. I'm working on it. Kind of.
  • I also have a major tv addiction. I hate when people say "tv is a waste of your life" because I completely disagree! I manage to have dinner on the table each night, work full time, blog, fill all my orders and still have time for HOURS upon HOURS of tv every day. Nothing gets between me and my Real Housewives.
What is your favorite food? 
Dude... I love food. Obsessed. It's unhealthy and I don't even care. If I had to choose my last meal, it would be chips and salsa (but I am very specific on what kind), shrimp fettucine, a coke slurpee, and the biggest juiciest medium rare steak ever.

What is your favorite blog post you've ever done? 

My favorite was the inspiration behind my bathroom remodel, which I posted on my old/personal blog a few months ago. I will have to bring it back here! For $700 I completely redid the bathroom cabinets and floor with beautiful charcoal rectangular tile. Ok, I'm totally bringing it back.

What is your favorite quote and why?

"Not all those who wander are lost." -JRR Tolkien
I have spent my life wandering, and have never felt lost. I have always felt that everything I have encountered in my crazy life has slowly lead me to where I am today and where I am meant to go. While it has not been without it's roadblocks, my life is such a happy life to live.

How did you pick your blog's name? 
It's essentially the name of my Etsy shop, and now that I own and operate enjoyessential.com, I wish I could change it! But I have worked hard to make the shop as successful as it is, and it is still the name of my brand, so it shall remain the same.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? 

Santorini or Bali. Have you ever seen photos? Be still my heart! We fell in love with Costa Rica, and even researched the cost of living on our honeymoon, but the food there was not cutting it. Realistically speaking, I choose NYC.

What is your favorite book and why? 
While I am always and forever a Gryffindor, my favorite book of all time is "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli. It changed my life when I first got my hands on it in middle school and I will never forget it. Here is my favorite quote: “She was elusive. She was today. She was tomorrow. She was the faintest scent of a cactus flower, the flitting shadow of an elf owl. We did not know what to make of her. In our minds we tried to pin her to a cork board like a butterfly, but the pin merely went through and away she flew.” 

What is your fave lazy day style? 

... or lack thereof?! You do not want to see me on a lazy day. Even my "regular" days seem to take work. But on a lazy day I always try to have my makeup somewhat done so I feel accomplished even slightly. 

What is an average day like for you? 

Wake up. Late. Feed the crazy dogs. Drive to the office, work a few hours. Lunch is soup and iced tea, always. I'm already ready to eat. Work some more (I'm in marketing). Go home and be attacked by crazy pups. Work in my home office on my shop, blog and site nonstop. Dinner on the table by 7 if it's not too crazy of a day, 8 is more realistic. Watch tv endlessly until we fall asleep. 

If you could shadow one blogger for a week, who would it be and why? 

Courtney Kerr of What Courtney Wore. Her tv show is my favorite and she is such an inspiration to me. Hey Courtney, if you're reading this, I am coming to Dallas. Let's hang.

No More Frozen Foods!

Frozen food is gross.  Okay,  maybe they don't taste gross,  but I have never eaten a frozen taquito without feeling guilty about all the preservatives and chemicals in them.  I mean,  I obviously still ate them,  but I'm just saying... My husband is a huge late night snacker, and its never chips or popcorn,  it's always a full meal of frozen burritos and Jimmy Dean sausage biscuits.  So I decided to show him we could make them ourselves , which takes more prep time but hopefully adds some years to our lives. And he loves them!  Plus,  its a fun activity to do together,  which I am always for!

Just Like Jimmy Dean Sausage Biscuits
Fresh turkey sausage, roll and flatten into patties
Eggs (I puréed mine in my little blender and baked them in a muffin tin for 7 mins)
Whole wheat English muffins

Puree eggs or beat well.  Feel free to season! 

Stack the English muffins with the turkey patties and egg. Top with a layer of cheese.  Wrap in tin foil and freeze.  When you're ready to snack, remove from foil and microwave 2-3 mins.

On The Go Burritos
Flour Tortillas
Ground turkey,  cooked and seasoned
Salsa of choice
Shredded cheese

Pile all ingredients into tortilla, wrap tightly. Then wrap in foil and freeze!

Essential // Small Businesses Unite!

Last week we talked about stress, so I find it appropriate to share that, in true form, I have taken on something bigger than I have ever taken on before. I have always dreamed of owning my own company and while my Etsy shop has been busy enough to become it's own company, it is incredibly hard to keep up with all of my orders and all of the marketing that I do as well. My shop is successful because of my marketing, so I understand now why it's so hard to have a one woman show. I have seen so many shops with wonderfully talented people creating beautiful items, but who have no idea how to market themselves to be able to grow their business. Since that's what I have a knack for, I decided to go for it. My new business will launch in early February!

I introduce to you enjoyEssential.com, a storefront for small businesses. It provides another opportunity for shops to be seen in search results, free marketing, no required markdowns, and no commission taken. There is a small administrative fee to list the items that covers the cost of running the site, but other than that the shop owner receives all of the fines and shipping costs and they're able to continue running their business from their home. No wholesale is involved, so there's no markups!

I really believe in the power of small businesses, and even more importantly, the power of women. The majority of the shops run on Etsy and other small creative businesses that are similar are run by women, a lot of whom are stay at home moms and wives using their hobbies to bring in a little extra income. Working together is what makes us successful, which is what we need to continue growing our shops, blogs, etc. 

I will of course list my own items on the site as well, but my primary focus will be marketing and advertising the site and the items within it. I have found that networking has done me wonders in the past couple of months with my shop, and I have seen so much success from it. I am looking forward to working with other women with similar aspirations to grow our businesses, our inspiration, our motivation, and become successful businesswoman together!

If you or someone you know would like to have their items listed on Essential, please send me an email:
cadyboughtin (at) gmail.com
and I will send you over the info package right away!


Another Awesome Giveaway!

We have an awesome giveaway happening to celebrate the birthday of another blogger,  Whitney Blake!

This giveaway will have THREE winners! Heck yeah!

You know what that means... three times the chance that you'll score something awesome, three times the fun, and three times the birthday party love! This giveaway party would absolutely not be possible without these amazing ladies so please show them some lovin!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

January // Friday Favorites

I love shopping. But more than that, I love trying new, fun products and finding ways to mix them together. I am totally that girl in a studded purse, leopard flats and a printed scarf, and somehow make it all go together (or so I like to tell myself!). And then I like to throw on lipstick too! Here are a few of my absolute favorites from this week!

MAC Lipstick in Rebel (it photographed red, it's more deep violet/red) // here

I live in these Old Navy Rockstar skinny jeans. They're thin and lightweight. I have them in green and burgundy (or wine, as I like to call it). They are my favorite skinnies I've owned!
Jean jacket & forest green skinnies // Old Navy // similar
Studded rhinestone side bag // Charming Charlie // similar
Ikat print flats with gold toe // JustFab

I layered SinfulColors Vacation Time (from Target) 
and Hard Candy Black Tie Optional for an awesome look!

I got this awesome headband for a photoshoot and now I can't keep my hands off of it!
Gold & Black bow headband // Sadie Sky Boutique 

And there you have my favorites of the week!

On Stress & Being Envious of People's Clean Homes

Until November, I think we really had our life on a roll. Our house wasn't too messy (but not too clean either), dinner was always on the table by 6 (or 7...) and we had a perfectly behaved dog, Lucky. I would come home, catch up on my tv shows, relax, make dinner... life was easy! But then a few things went wrong:
  • We got Crash, our super cute-as-hell mini/toy Australian shepherd, who started out behaving like an angel and now he loves to make me insane by carrying poop and mud into the house with him every day. He's still the size of a large rabbit, which is awesome, but it means he is fast- really fast- and also so adorable it makes it impossible to punish him. He makes me insane. And makes my house dirty.
  • My business took off quick. I don't mean like, sales slowly built until I got really busy, I mean I went from 0-60 in 3.5 (if you've got the keys, shut up and driveeeee! Sorry, couldn't help myself.). What I thought was a fun hobby became the thing that takes up the most of my time. And because I can't ever take a break, amidst the hundreds of orders coming in, I started marketing to blogs, which meant every time one of them featured me, I'd get a ton more sales and a ton more Instagram followers, which again lead to a ton more sales. I had created a wildfire, which was wonderful, but also incredibly time-consuming and it meant if I spent time cleaning my house, orders would go out late. If I had dinner on the table before 8pm, orders would go out late. It was a vicious circle.
  • My husband had to start coming upstairs to play video games in my office just to be able to spend time with me. Because I am a one-woman business, every dollar coming in meant someone was depending on ME to get them their product in time, and while my husband was supportive, he was also neglected. On top of the house being neglected. And the doggies. I was officially a hot mess. Not to mention it's almost February and my house is still decorated for Christmas.
  • I went to a girlfriends house to do a little photoshoot with my onesies on her baby, and when I walked in, it was spotless. And I mean SPOTLESS. We are the same age, she has two kids, and her house was immaculate. Not just tidy, but CLEAN. I immediately had a mental freak out. Then I realized "If she can do it, so can I." It was time to get my shit together.
So what do I do to remedy this? Have a mental breakdown about a completely unrelated subject, force myself off the computer, downstairs and start cleaning. Then get bored of cleaning (obviously), start a few text convos with girlfriends, and make an amazing dinner to make up for the lack of cooking lately. I swear there's nothing more therapeutic than a gigantic pork chop, just saying. 

I know we all handle stress different ways, and for me, eating was always the way. It no longer can be, because I was seeking out emotional stability through boxes of Cheez-its, and I gave up that bad habit. Some people excerise to relieve stress. I hate working out. I do it occasionally anyway, but I hate it. So I had to pinpoint what my biggest stressors were so I could work them out accordingly. My biggest stressors were not only the people who have paid me and are waiting for their orders, but my house. I love my house, and seeing it become neglected made me more stressed than anything. So my house has to become my number one. When you are proud of where you live, you are a happier person. I am extremely visual; when I was younger I always said you could tell my state of mind by how messy my room was, and ours has been messy for months. So to clear my head, this week I will be focusing on organizing and getting rid of things, and I will post my progress next week.

My goals for the week:
  • Figure out a better schedule for the dogs and spend more time with them at the dog park and taking them on walks to release some of that crazy energy. Clean up after them every time they come inside with mud on their feet. Learn to punish them for bad behavior.
  • Put my Etsy shop on Vacation Mode. I need to just suck it up and do this! I worry my sales will slow down but who am I kidding, I can't keep up right now!
  • Allot a certain amount of time per day to my shop, and the rest to my home and husband.
  • Cut back on the clutter. Stop leaving things around just because I am lazy! Return all the crap in the corner I meant to return to the store months ago.
  • Relax. Watch my tv shows if I want! But get. stuff. done.

Valentine's Day Littles Shoot

I have been lucky enough to be able to work with Mindy of Sweet Marie Photography on an amazing styled shoot. If you live in Northern California, I highly suggest you check her out for your newborns, engagement and wedding photos! You'll see why right away.

Hello Ladies onesie // here
Black leather moccasins // here

Love gold glitter onesie // here
Chevron print organic leggings // here
Linen oversized bow // here

Heartbreaker gender neutral onesie // here
Black leather moccasins // here

Studded denim vest, gender neutral // here
Ladie's Man onesie // here
Aztec arrows leggings // here
Black leather mocks // here

Be Mine onesie // here
Pink glitter bow with chevron headband // here
Black and white leather bow headband // here

Ooh La La onesie // here
Black glitter bow hair clip // here
Black leather moccs // here

Enter the giveaway below to win these two items along with a matching onesie of your choice! All gender neutral and size 12-18 months.
Studded denim vest, gender neutral // here
Aztec arrows printed leggings // here

a Rafflecopter giveaway

iPad Mini Giveaway!

Today, I am really excited about being able to giveaway an iPad mini to one lucky reader! What better time than the beginning of the year!? I have teamed up with these amazing ladies to make this possible, so make sure to show them some love! Scroll down to the Rafflecopter to enter, it's super easy!

Guest Blogger Jassy // On Yoga and Healthy Living

I spent a year living in the gorgeous Napa Valley working at a prestigious art gallery. While there, I met Jassy, when she was our intern for a short time. After graduating college, Jassy took a few wonderful jobs along Main Street, which is a mecca for art and beautiful buildings- and beautiful people! She is now a graphic designer for a wonderful company called Wine, Women and Shoes.
On Yoga: I’ve never been a fan of going to the gym; I’ve only ever enjoyed the benefits of running and indoor rock climbing. But I finally attended a yoga class near my house (inspired by my old housemate) and the next thing I knew, I was going regularly and I fell in love with it. I then made yoga my go-to exercise regimen. I love photography and recently I did a photo shoot of a good friend of mine who is now a certified Yoga Instructor. During the shoot she bought along this book that would inspire me to take some great shots. I started looking through the book, "Art of Attention," created by Elena Brower & Erica Jago, and was inspired to the point of finally purchasing my own copy doing yoga at home.
On the Benefits: For me the benefits of yoga, whether it be at home or in a class, have made me a more positive person. I’m happier, I feel great and I am confident about my body. I’m becoming toned and fit and my mind is in a better place. I’ve learned that yoga isn’t about being the most flexible person in class or if you can do a head stand the longest. It’s about your own personal practice and how it makes you feel. Take the time to buy a yoga mat— believe it or not, I got mine at Whole Foods. Watch Youtube tutorials an subscribe to some blogs because there are plenty out there to inspire you and to keep you motivated. 
Art of Attention: http://www.artofattention.com/
On My Healthy Lifestyle Changes: On March 27, 2013, I instantly made a decision to start wearing my hair in it’s natural state. I don’t know what got into me but I just was so tired of washing my hair and instead of parting it in sections, blow drying it at the highest heat setting then straightening it with a flat iron. I just decided to leave it alone. I got sick and tired of damaging it and standing in the mirror for hours (yes, hours). I was nervous and self conscious about the whole ordeal. But then I went to a fundraising event and the compliments came flooding in. I was nervous and very much outside my comfort zone, but my friends kept telling me how they loved my fro and how fitting it was with my personality. Plus some of them even said they preferred it over my straight hair. If only I had known this years ago, I wouldn’t have wasted so much time damaging my hair. But the past is the past, and ever since I started wearing my hair in it’s natural state, I also started using all natural hair and body products with no chemicals that are harmful for the hair and skin. This led to paying closer attention to my diet. I’m addicted to tea and eating more fruits and veggies.  
On the Benefits: Every since then, I’ve noticed such a positive difference with the natural products I started using. My skin is clearer from the natural face washes and moisturizers. My hair is conditioned properly and I no longer have issues with it being overly dry. My psoriasis is gone too! It diminished and I’m no longer embarrassed to scratch my hair in public, or part my hair in front of others. 

My Favorite Natural Beauty Products:
• Belle Butters (natural shea butters and oils) http://www.bellebutters.com/
• Apple Cider Vinegar and Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay Mask
• Desert Essence Face Wash
• African Black Soap (can use this for whole body and hair)
Keep up with Jassy here:

Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous

I am fascinated with celebrity culture. I love the Kardashians (#teamkhloeforever), Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, the list goes on. Nothing pumps me up more than a celebrity engagement, but even moreso, I just love their lifestyle. I have forever been a self-proclaimed celebrity stalker and have no shame in my game! I spent a weekend in LA a few months ago meandering up and down Robertson Boulevard in search of the cast of Vanderpump Rules or Selena Gomez. Instead, I found Eva Longoria in her hair salon... twenty feet away from me... on the other side of a wall. So... I didn't really find her at all, did I? Lame.

I get a lot of my shopping impulses from celebs instagrams. For example, when Emmy Rossum posts her RestorSea skin care regime, I have to fight every urge to go buy it. When I see Jen Aniston wearing those delicate little gold necklaces, I'm on it like white on rice. But most importantly, I LOOOVE attitude-y graphic tees, which comes in handy because I also love hiphop, which is full of one-liners. Put that together with my Photoshop obsession, and you've got yourself some bad ass baby onesies. But what's even more powerful that a sassy kid? A sassy kid AND mama!

When the world added social media to shopping, we all went nuts right? The influence of the hashtag inspired me, so here are some of my ideas I designed on onesies, but they're available on shirts, bibs, whatever. I've paired them with tanks and tees for mama too, so you guys can match and take the world by storm! ...or lay on the couch all day, that's cool too.

don't kill my vibe tank available here // don't kill my vibe onesie available here

cool story bro sassy tank for mommy available here // cool story bro. onesie or tee // available here

you can't sit with us for mama available here // you can't sit with us for baby available here

#selfie tee for mom available here // onesie or tee for little available here

tres cool tee for you available here // tres cool onesie or tee for your fashionista available here