Did I ever expect to start a hobby in November that would turn into an incredibly successful business by February? No. Did I expect to be running this amazing business from the comfort of my own home? No. Did I expect to connect with other business owners who are always open to collborating and supporting each other to lift each other higher? Hell no. But I did. And life is so good.
This weekend I received three seperate emails from women I've never met asking for marketing and sales advice. I received four emails from bloggers reaching out to ME- not the other way around. I received emails from two websites asking me to write sponsored posts on their products/services. Here I am thinking I'm slacking on my blog, and I'm actually doing just fine! My mind is blown- the tables have turned and I'm the one giving advice, not seeking it. I must be doing something right.
As I sit here at the coffee bar of my favorite specialty grocery, typing on my broken iPhone and sipping my ever present iced tea, I have to take a deep breath to remind myself how dreams really can come true. How God led me to this place where I was able to leave my career to create a new one. How hard work and constant dreaming can lead to a happy and successful life. Dreams are always free but the hustle is sold seperately. When I say hard work, I mean it. Nights til 3am. Emails at the dinner table. Customers who hate everything even if it's made of gold. A husband and two dogs who look at me praying I have fifteen minutes to go on a walk. Amazon shipments that don't arrive until the 23rd hour.
But you know what makes it worth it? When a blogger emails me and says "I literally just found out I'm pregnant. I haven't told anyone yet. Can you make me a onesie for my pregnancy announcement?" Or "We've lost three friends to cancer. I can't wait to wear this tank in support of them." It's those moments that make everything worth it. Being a part of people's lives in a way no one else can be.
Being where you're supposed to be is the best feeling and I wish I could share it with you. It's that feeling of complete comfort and also the feel just before you get the chills- that deep breath of complete and total satisfaction without a drop of anxiety to spare. And let me tell you, this chick right here knows all about anxiety. At least... I used to.
You are inspirational, Cady! Way to follow your dreams. I'm so happy how much Enjoy Essential has grown. You are amazing! :)