I love working on my site- it's so calming and makes me happy to see it growing and becoming successful. I am a total computer person, so I can spend five hours on one and have no idea that much time flew by! It's a blessing and a curse. This is how you'll see me constantly, either on my phone, my other phone, my tablet or my big ol' iMac (I have a Macbook too that I don't even use- what is wrong with me?!)
I find coffee shops to be so peaceful for working- but not always Starbucks. First of all, I like to support small businesses, like my own, so I enjoy the family owned shops far more than Starbucks. Not that Starbucks isn't a good place to chill, I just don't really like running into people I know every single time I go there. One of my favorite spots is the Nugget Market, which is similar to a Whole Foods but a small chain of only about 10 stores. It's large, like a grocery, but quality. They also have the best food there. Every day I get myself a raspberry iced tea and a container of hot chicken noodle soup and give myself a "lunch break" to work on my shop and network and catch up on BlogLovin.
Sigh. I want to go back there right now.
These amazing photos are courtesy of Sarah, of her sea of love, which happens to be one of my favorite blogs to follow. Check her out- she's been blogging for YEARS. You may have even seen the most adorable Vine video of her daughter on @lol_vines... a video that was so adorable, in fact, that she has to turn off her Instagram push notifications because she gained like 10k followers!!! Thank you Sarah for being such a wonderful photographer and always "getting" my vision!
I am the exact same way- it is so relaxing, I haven't yet picked up to a coffee shop but what a great idea!