I had the luck of "meeting" Lexi of @twinkletwinkleliljar back when she had a couple thousand followers, and when I checked her ig today, she was up to 11k! This thrills me because I really, really love her products and use them all. the. time.
She makes these gorgeous custom tumblers. Don't judge me on the "haters gonna hate" thing... I was going through some insta-bullying and was feeling like throwing a lil shade at the time of ordering! Haha! The other side has my monogram in hot pink and I just love it.
Clearly so does my dog- he's bowing down to the glitter tumbler queen.
Really, Crash? I don't think you need the caffeine bro.
Sorry, Lexi, I know this was totally not your intention for this to be used as a dog tumbler... but he's so cute right?! Anyway, she makes so many different options from this style of tumbler to coffee mugs, travel mugs, even baby zippy cups! And the best part is that the glitter DOES NOT COME OFF. It doesn't flake at all! Just don't put it in the dishwasher because you won't have any glitter left.