Our Grass is Dead.

Ten years ago, if you'd asked me what I wanted to do for a living, I always had a plan. Finish college, work for a magazine, be a traveling nanny, start a wedding planning business- it was endless. It was optimistic. It was exciting. It was daunting. It was so far away. Fast forward to five years ago. Ask me the same question and what was my answer? I wanted to work from home. That's it. I wanted to wake up, watch an episode of Real Housewives, answer emails from my phone, head to my home office and be my own boss. Five years later = today. Today, I am living my dream, and it is everything I could've asked for.

The last year has been so easy. Which is strange to say because I never realized how incredibly HARD my life was until I made the choice, along with my husband and family, to move away from the people I was allowing to make it so hard. And suddenly- I felt free. Like I could do anything without fear, without judgment, without asking for permission or acceptance. I rekindled friendships with girls I hadn't talked to in years. I took chances on new female friendships that have become the strongest support system I've experienced. But most importantly, I took a chance on my dream. 

Sometimes you have to close a door and open a window. For me, a door needed to close on a chapter of my life that was part of a lifetime I now can barely remember. I needed to let go of people not only for my sake, but for theirs. Sometimes you outgrow people and it's not a bad thing- it's just the universes way of saying "they've taught you what they were meant to teach you. Now on to the next lesson." The next lesson was learning who I was with other people, and I love that person. I love the person my friends describe me as. I love finding out their dreams and goals and helping them achieve them the way they helped me achieve mine. I am so genuinely grateful for them and the fact that they forgive me when I text back... Three days later... At midnight. And even moreso for my husband, who eats dinner when it's finally ready at 8pm, listens to me bitch endlessly about crappy customers, and believes in every single one of my harebrained schemes.

For the first time in my life, I feel like God has given me the chance to do exactly what I was meant to do. To hustle, to create, to share myself with the world. I get to wake up and work from bed every morning and when it's time to actually "go to work," I just walk upstairs. My life is fully supported by people purchasing something I made. It blows my mind every second of every day that God has blessed me with this opportunity and I do everything I can to show Him he made the right decision. 
The funny part about the quote is that when we filled in our pool and had our fence built, our grass got destroyed. So I am literally too busy watering my own grass to notice who else's is greener! But I hope yours is. I hope whoever you are reading this, that your grass is green and your heart is happy. I know mine is.


Guess Who's Back!

Hooray! Thanks to some convincing from sweet readers, I'm going to start blocking out more time to blog again. It's a nice release and also a way to share all the things I love (and hate) without clogging up my Instagram feed!

With Enjoy Essential now being a major Instashop, I have very little time for blogging but now that I have two assistants starting next week, I hope to schedule in some time to make this thang happen. So much has changed in my life in the past 6 months and I can't wait to share my life with you!

I will be posting my new skincare regime and favorite products for skin soon, as well as a post about my hair and how I got it to grow 6 inches in just a couple of months. I have so many new makeup products I want to talk about too... Hopefully I don't get too ahead of myself!! If any of you have requests for posts or things you want me to talk about, feel free to email my marketing coordinator with ideas! She will be putting together my blog content calendar in the coming months. 

Can't wait to get back with you guys soon! Xo